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Vice President Odanaka Visited Universities and High Schools in Shanghai

Published on May 30, 2018


Vice President Akihiro Odanaka (Director of Global Exchange Office) visited educational institutions in the region of Shanghai from May 16 to 18, 2018.

East China University of Political Science and Law

East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL), having merged with law schools of nine prestigious universities in People’s Republic of China, including Fudan University, Nanjing University and Xiamen University, was established in 1952 and now it has become one of the top universities in the country with schools including economics and foreign languages. ECUPL has two campuses; one in Shanghai and another on the outskirts of Shanghai. Vice President Odanaka visited Songjiang Campus, located on the outskirts of Shanghai this time. Vice President Odanaka, Vice President of ECUPL Professor Chen Jingying, Dean of the School of Foreign Studies Professor Qu Wensheng and Director of International Exchange Center Mr Xia Fei introduced their universities each other and shared opinions on further expansion of exchanges. Then they observed the sophomore’s speech contest in the Japanese department. Vice President Odanaka was stunned by their solid ideas and high level of the contest.

ECUPL and OCU concluded Memorandum of Understanding in March, 2018. More active exchanges are expected.

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1) Vice President Odanaka receiving a memento from Vice President of ECUPL Chen Jingying

2) (From left to right) Director of International Exchange Center Xia Fei, Dean of the School of Foreign Studies Qu Wensheng, Vice President of ECUPL Chen Jingying and Vice President Odanaka

3)?Vice President Odanaka observing the Japanese speech contest

<Vice President Odanaka’s visit was introduced on the ECUPL’s Web.>

◆Shanghai Polytechnic University (SSPU)

Shanghai Polytechnic University (SSPU), founded in 1960, is a municipal public university featured by Engineering as its main discipline, with Literature, College of Arts, etc. “熱烈歓迎 沙巴体育平台” meaning “Welcome, Osaka City University” was found on the electronic message board located at the entrance of the spacious campus. Opinions were shared with Chair, University Administration Committee Mr Song Baoru, Ms Lili Qu, Deputy Director of International Office, Ms LV Xing, Secretary of International Office and Office of International Student Affairs Ms Sun Yan. Vice President Odanaka visited the design showroom and the huge laboratory equipped with an actual automobile manufacturing line. He also had an opportunity to talk with the students who study Japanese and ask what made them study Japanese, what they want to do in the future, if they want to study in Japan and so on.

A delegation from SSPU visited OCU in 2015, thus this visit is expected to help develop into mutual exchanges of the two universities.

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1) Electronic message board at the entrance welcoming OCU delegation

2) Commemorative photo

3) Design showroom?

4) Laboratory equipped with an Automobile Manufacturing Line

<Vice President Odanaka’s visit was introduced on the SSPU’s Web.>

◆Shanghai University

Shanghai University and OCU have engaged in active exchanges after they concluded the International Academic Exchange Agreement in 2003. The exchanges include “Internship in Shanghai”, a short-term overseas summer program, sponsored by OCU, where students of both universities interact one another, the art exhibition co-sponsored by OCU art club Seitoukai and various other activities. Shanghai University is so large with nearly 40,000 students and more than 3,800 faculty members that even buses are running in the campus. Vice President Odanaka who visited Baoshan Campus this time, was welcomed by Vice President of Shanghai University Professor Nie Qing, Deputy Director at the International Office Mr Cui Wei.? They shared opinions for strengthening their future exchanges.

Professor Shoichi Ogio (Department of Physics) from the OCU Graduate School of Science also visited the Department of Physics at Shanghai University College of Sciences and discussed how they should materialize educational and research exchanges.

OCU was introduced to the students in Ms Zhao Yanli’s Japanese class. Ms Zaho, lecturer of the Japanese Department at Shanghai University School of Foreign Languages is an OCU alumnus. She also serves as Global Exchange Advisor of OCU. The students were asked what made them study Japanese, what they want to do in the future, if they want to come to Japan, etc. Ms Saki Murai, a student from OCU Faculty of Human Life Science, currently studying at Shanghai University, joined in the meeting. It was such a good opportunity to make many students know OCU.

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1) Vice President Odanaka giving a commemorative gift to Vice President Nie Qing?

2) Commemorative photo time after introduction of OCU in the Japanese class

3, 4) Professor Ogio shared opinions with staff at College of Science, Shanghai University

<This visit was introduced on the Shanghai University’s Web.>

◆Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School

Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School (equivalent to a Japanese high school), established in 1952, has been designated as an educational leading school by the City of Shanghai. It has started Japanese language education since 1972 and now more than 700 students are studying Japanese in this school with integrated school system for 7 years. This school puts emphasis on not only Japanese but also English as well as math and science education and as a result it has sent out alumni to prestigious universities in and outside of China. President Odanaka received warm welcome by teachers including Vice Presidents Ms Gu Jin and Ms Chen Nini who explained their excellent Japanese education. It was easy for Vice President Odanaka to find how high school students actually learn Japanese in China. They discussed how they should strengthen their relations in the future.

Vice President Gu Jin and Vice President Odanaka

Visit to Shanghai this time would not have been successful without corporation of OCU Global Exchange Advisors Mr Zhang Jin and Ms Zhao Yanli as well as Professor Ma Lizhong of Shanghai University. Shanghai is a sister city of Osaka, thus we will keep active exchanges with universities there.
